Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Reason to Give Thanks

Genevieve (93 y/o) & Andy Pileggi (95 y/o)
Holiday travel and school-related stress has finally died down, and now I have a chance to reflect. One of the plans for the break was to travel to Texas to celebrate Grandma & Grandpa Pileggi's 75th wedding anniversary. 75 years of marriage! Many people aren't even lucky enough to live that long! As I looked around the room at my wonderful family, I realized that this marriage is the reason we were all standing there. If Andrew Basil Pileggi and Genevieve Dwyer never met, where, and more importantly who, would I be?! I am so thankful for the love they share and the love that our family shares as a result. Happy Anniversary, Grandma & Grandpa! And a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.